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 lonely1jen_PREV (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: Strike 2....Is there really a honest driver? |
As some of you know I lost my husband on memorial day this year. Cause of my other post, I have talked to alot of men and met some great guys, I even went on the road with one, after knowing him for 2 months, only to find out 2 days later, he was cheating on his GF. and others he was trying to h--k up with. At least I learned fast with him, .... My friends say all truckers are alike, but they only knew my late. To me it is just like when I worked in Alaska, and all the guys I tried dating where being told by their friends not to trust me., cause I was never home, and lived with men. I never cheated when I had someone at home waiting on me, even after months of being gone, and I believe i can find a man that drives but don't cheat or lie.
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 justjerry (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`i really wonder, strike 2 ?
what , if you have bad luck with just one more man your going to go lesbo or something, come on!
us men are a dime a dozen , just look around this site and you will find out the odds favor women on here by about 15 to one
if you cant find a "honest driver " on here youve got problems girl.
just do some research on these guys your already on the internet, if he says he is divorced ask what county and state , look it up. and so on there is a wealth of info about people on the net.
the only reason that i dont do so much homework is i would rather let the woman that i am interested in tell me about things when she is comfortable with revealing things , its that terrible thing that i give people called trust, at least till they show me they are not trust worthy
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 justjerry (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`"that guy"? i heard one of my friends saying a few months ago that if he and his wife get a divorce he is just going to be "that guy".
i must say that just blew me away , i didnt understand why would he even say that? this guy is 6' tall 175 or so and fairly good looking i turned around and told him YOUR FLAT NUTS!!! a guy like you could write your own ticket and be with any woman you want . he said that rather than finding another woman he would rather just be that guy for the rest of his life.
the next week my x-wife said that she wanted a divorce.
now i am out here looking for THE one and all i can say is now i understand.
i will admit it i FEAR becoming "that guy" but i notice that with every rejection i see myself getting one step closer to being "that guy" so maybe i should just give up and accept that i will be alone for the rest of my life. but then i would be on the fast track to becoming "that guy" real quick.
there has to be an answer to this problem though.
just wanted to vent a bit
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Joined: December 17, 2009
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`Think about truckers life. They deal with dishonest brokers, dispatchers, and docks that pretty much treat them all alike. Yes, there are exceptions but most treat truckers like the gypsy they are.
The honest truckers are slow to reveal themselves because of this. The dishonest ones have a story to tell very quick.
Yet, men are men and women are women. Weather they are at the office or factory or driving a truck. Their morality sets the standard.
For America these days, it seems to be fairly low standard of morality.
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Joined: January 9, 2011
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`I lost my boyfriend in may 2010 found out he was lying he had an apartment because his job was union he had to move I live in his house the day of his life celabration party a woman came up to me to inform me she was his ohio girl and I his indiana girl.I almost hurt her since found out she was telling me the truth(I did call her and apoligize)I tried dating 2 men that were either lazy or lying or both my problem is I to drive a truck work 14 hr days 5 days a week I just want someone to grow old with,to love and respect get same in return is there any honest faithful men left?
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 runnbare54166 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`No girlfriend there are no good men. I thought I found the man I have waited for my whole life of 41 years and he was sexting girls while I slept behind him in the bunk!
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Joined: April 23, 2007
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Posted: Post subject: |
`Hey! Give the guys a break. They get lonely and h---- out on the road. Maybe look for a guy that comes home every night and you can keep a close eye on if this is something that is important to you.
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 dehno511 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`Ummm I was married to a lady who I thought was great only to have her cheat on me twice. after we divorced I have been in two other relationships, both of those ladies lied and cheated when I wasn't looking. even had one with me on the truck for 2 years. when I was sleeping she was screwing around. So I am starting to wonder if there are any honest people left on this rock. I live by this. say what you mean and mean what you say, and you can't lie on accident. no matter how hard you try. so for now I just keep looking and working. life goes on. take care all
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 bob201539 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
you know it really is sad to hear ladies saying there are no good men out here. that's a wide paint brush you are using. it's like saying all women are lot-lizards. it's not accurate,but neither is the other. i give honest answers to any question and have no need to lie or cheat. i've had it happen to me and it hurts like hell. some people have no morals and do not care about anyone but themselves. maybe you got hurt because you ignored the red flags, i did. guess what,i am stronger and a better person and MUCH better educated in women because of that experience. just be careful with that paint-brush please.
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 hillbilly7665 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`You go Bob, I been married to the same ole gal for 27yrs. I like to think I'm a good guy. I may not be on the market but I'm still a good guy. In 27yrs I've never cheated on her or done anything that I wouldn't want her to do. In a relationship there has to be trust because without it you don't have a relationship. My wife knows that I'm a big flirt, and I know that she is too. We like to cut up and cary on but we know who keeps each others side of the bed warm. I've been out here for 26yrs and I get home bout every 2 weeks, in those 2 weeks I don't worry bout her running around and she knows she has nothing to worry about either. I don't know, this is my personal oppinion. Maybe people that are having all this trouble with relationships are looking in the wrong places for there soul mates. I feel for people that are having a hard time and I thank God that I have never had to deal with anything like that. Some people just don't know how to handle a good thing when they got it, and they are always looking for more.
some guys are just dogs I guess but on the other hand women can be too. Good luck to all that is having a problem in the relationship dept. I hope and pray that ya'll can find the perfect man or woman like I have.
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 bbw4trukerz (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`I am sure there are a few professions that give women pause because their significant other may be away a lot, musicians, actors, truckers, and even corporate execs. Yet there are certainly no shortage of women who cheat, by any means. It seems that across the board, people are more comfortable looking outside of a commitment. How many times have you heard from someone that "Monogamy isn't natural?" I hear it constantly and it certainly puts a damper on those of us who still want a monogamous relationship.
I've never been cheated on but plenty of people I know have. If you look at even any questionable behavior they may be presenting, if you have a gut instinct something could be going on, you're probably right. Lessons learned and move on. There are some amazing men in this world, I even dated one for 7 years so I know they exist. Sometimes we have to go through the wrong people to find the right person. I hope you find what you're looking for:)
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 lillysdad (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
actually, your wrong! monogamy is natural and even dogs know better. but really, a hard d--- has no conscience, and this aint december 6 1941 anymore. screwing around on your spouse is still wrong no matter what salve you try to use on your conscience, it will still bother you. but we still do it, because that is the way that we have been brainwashed to behave (anyone watch television in the last 20 years?) and although it is wrong and we all know better, we still do what is wrong, paul had it right, "oh wretched man that i am" just one more reason that i am thankful for my lord JESUS. true this is not the slam that many may be looking for at either gender, but i believe it touches the heart of the matter.
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Joined: August 31, 2011
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Posted: Post subject: |
`cheating is cheating rather its man or woman there is nor reason for it, if you dont want to be with that person then dont be, if your trying to change the person you are with then more then likely they are not the person you wanted in the first place. its hurts no matter whos doing it. NOT ALL men or woman are the same. tho it is hard to see this or feel that way when you are the one being hurt just as i know there is a lady out there that wont cheat or lie or steal i know there are still men out there that wont either.
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Joined: November 27, 2007
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Posted: Post subject: |
`Where are all the honest woman at I know I drive a truck for a living and have to be gone from home I would just once would like to come home to my loved one that I give my heart to and know that she has missed me what happen to being faithful and honesty
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 wakyshak (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`Everyone lies for one reason or another. It's in our nature. I'm a very honest person and I tell everyone up front that I am. But I also tell them I am Not the type of person who can be with one person. I look for the guy that can handle being in an open relationship. But that doesn't mean we do things behind each others backs. Part of an open relationship is being honest with each other and telling the other about who you are going to see. Of course there are lot's of ground rules you have to set down but you have to stick to them. Would I like to find that one true love? Sure. Who doesn't? But that kind of perfect love only happens in the movies. Maybe it's just me because I am so open minded but the days of monogomy are long gone.Women cheat as much as men and men cheat as much as women. Everyone has to stop being so ---- up on the s----lity of yesterday. Open your minds and your s----lity and you can be happy. If you have to cheat you really aren't being honest to yourself or your partner. Just my opinion. Take what you like and forget the rest. C.
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